Friday, February 26, 2010


Hi, gus here....

I am really worried about my master. She has been sticking scary pins in this haunted house she is working on. I don't know if a spell has been cast on her, but she keeps talking about this witch who's coming to live with us. Can't she find a nicer friend, like a cute female JRT?

She has been talking about needles, and...more needles! I have heard that those chenille needles are very sharp!!! and, what the heck is a milliner's needle? for that matter, what is a milliner? ...sounds terrifying!!!

Next thing I know, that witch will be lending her the voodoo spell books!!

love, gus
(they tell me I am the most handsome JRT in the world)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Halloweenies Gift

I love my Halloweenies gift! Thank you Amy!!

I am trying to decide how I want the house finished, and I love the idea of using these pins worked into the cording on the edge of a box shaped standup, perhaps with a black bow on top, and maybe a spider or bat.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Halloweenies House

Hi! thanks, gus, for your post!! you are quite articulate for a 3 month old puppy!!

If anyone is not already aware, you can follow the blog for the Halloweenies Home Study, even if you are not participating! If you click on the title of this post, it will take you directly to the blog. Peggy is doing a wonderful job keeping me on track, and stitching daily, with tips from Amy, and photos of her own work. This dilapidated haunted house has been broken into four segments for stitching purposes. January is part 1, then we do two figures in Feb and March, then part 2 of the house in April, etc.

I love the new floor frame I got for Christmas, especially with all my opportunities to hang things from it and attach sundries to it.

Below is my set up for working on the roof. It is upside down because it brings the roof closer to me. I wish I had had the stocking set up this way last fall.

I must have been a difficult child! I remember when making a debut walk with my dad, I was asked to choose a song, and I chose "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. I think my mom suggested it, but if not, she certainly said that it was very fitting! This home study allows for each of us to "do our own thing" in making a unique creation. I am using the stitch guide and thread selection as a jumping off point for the roof, and can't wait to show close up photos. I am thrilled with the way it is turning out!! I see the roof composed of slate tiles, with some of the tiles missing. More on this in a subsequent post~~ suspense is normal in a study of ghosts, and haunted houses, right?

I will try to be more consistent in my posts.
happy haunting!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


ummm..... hi, .....Gus here. I am a little slow typing this because my paws are too big for these tiny buttons. Sitting on Kathy's shoulder sure is comfy though. It's a good thing she gave me a chew toy, cause otherwise I would be licking her ear.

Well, I was asked to report on the floor stand. I thought the floor stand was supposed to be placed on the floor, but Kathy seemed to think it meant she was supposed to stand on the floor, and the frame was to be placed on the trunk she uses for a coffee table. why she wants to stand while she needlepoints I can't figure out, although she did mention that one burns more calories standing than sitting. she has managed to keep all those soft strings out of my reach, doggonit! Her strings are so much softer than the ones she gives me. She has her strings in stupid boxes with snowmen on them. Heck, I can't even reach the scissors' leash! She must be crazy to put scissors on a leash. Scissors can't walk...can't bark as good as me either.

she is working on the house with the cat and mouse, both which I am trying to figure out how to catch.
She doesn't get very far because she quits when I wake up. I always yip for her to hold me. I think I have her trained pretty well.
she asked me to put up some pictures of her setup. so I did. hope you like them!

slurp (puppy kiss),

Monday, February 8, 2010

guest blogger

oh, the anticipation!!! I have asked a guest blogger to post for me tomorrow!!!

Can you guess who that might be?? and he promises pictures, yea!!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well, I told you I didn't think my coffin was the right size, (that I needed to take off some lbs.), but Amy and Jill and Polly and all were so kind to send me a double wide!! No wonder it has been sitting in the LR under another box, and a coat I threw on top of them when I returned home with our newest male family member, "gus" (picture above.) I was starting to worry, and it's been here the whole time!!!

the coffin not only includes my haunted house, but also a binder and the last of the cookbook chapters I had ordered on sale, and my last Nativity canvas. I was on the lookout for a skinny box, lol!! It is like trying on a size 8 and realizing you are now in size 14-16!!!

Anyway, I am so excited ...cannot wait to read the stitch guide and get it all set up on my evertites and new floor frame!!